Returnships: An Overlooked Path to Equitable Workplace Practices I’ve led several workshops recently for organizations that are deeply committed to the goal...
Is It Worth It? Focus On Your Goals To Navigate A Career Lull Why am I doing this? At some point in your career, you’ll ask yourself...
Ask For What You Want: Tactics For Successful Negotiating My first real experience with negotiating happened very early in my career. A consulting...
Stepping Into The New Year: Moving With Purpose On The Spiral Staircase Slowly. Slowly. I’ve been seeing a lot of high-energy motivational posts with the start...
Authenticity Is Overrated: Building A More Effective Leadership Style I bristle a bit when I’m asked to asked to speak to the “quest...
Take Control: Questions To Help You Advocate For Yourself Whenever I speak with women about the importance of taking ownership of their career,...
Ask Leanne: What’s So Bad About Being Perfect? Dear Leanne, I’ve been with my current employer for five years. I consistently receive...
Intentional Networking: Building Purposeful Networks Of Influence This summer, I’ve been speaking at diversity and inclusion conferences and women’s leadership forums...